So my husband and I finally decided that my collection of couture was finally worthy of a bank vault quality, safe. You might be saying to yourself, ‘I understand how the safe keeps your investments ‘safe’…..I mean, after all-it is the items first and only name: “Safe”. But once you close the safe door, it creates a hermetic seal which is basically a sexy word for ‘air-tight’. In this environment, the natural dust that sits in the air from the flora and fauna of life, cannot settle in a disgusting sheen across your beautiful Louis Vuittons.
Here is the most important thing I learned in the buying process Always buy bigger…
Regardless of your decision to buy the perfectly-sized safe, stop yourself right there and purchase the next size up! The amount of time, effort and energy it is going to take for someone to install this safe will be more than you anticipate. So do it right the first time and get the big boy. Trust me, it will pay off when you find that bargain in your favorite boutique that you must buy. My biggest fear is having to choose which one of my babies gets the high rise condo facing the ocean or gets the townhouse in the suburbs.
So now I am asking you a serious question, ‘is your precious, designer shoe collection really safe’?
If not, take my advice and secure them in the same way that you would for any other valuables. Keeping them in a safe, protects your investment from a fire just as it would from being stolen which is why buying a safe is the right choice. Don’t put your most prized possessions in danger. Not putting them in a safe could lead to the potential loss of thousands of dollars in your prized-collection…that would break my heart and yours! If you have made a considerable investment in couture, then the wardrobe that you’ve built may be one of the most valuable, unsecured investments in your portfolio. Please take my advice and keep your luxurious shoe and accessories collection stored safely and securely.
Amy A.